I first visited the Philippines in 1982, while I was still a professor of Mathematics and Computer Science. In the years up through 1985 I took numerous short-term trips to Haiti, Mexico, China and the Philippines. I began full-time work in the Philippines and China in 1986. In recent years I have spent about a MONTH PER YEAR IN CHINA, about 8 MONTHS PER YEAR WITH OUR NEW CHURCH IN NAVOTAS, METRO MANILA, a MONTH IN VIETNAM and the remaining 2 MONTHS WITH OUTREACHES TO BICOL AND OTHER AREAS OF THE PHILIPPINES (See the map and links to individual churches). NAVOTAS is a densely populated area of Metro Manila plagued by frequent floods, poverty, drugs, and crime. The POPULATION DENSITY OF NAVOTAS is about 235,000 PEOPLE PER SQUARE MILE, making it one of the most densely populated places in the world. I went to such a place because it has become my intense motivation in my ministry to go to people and places that others generally do not go to. We have also endeavored to start a grassroots mission movement among Filipinos, in a place unhindered by the traditions of complacency. The church in Navotas was begun as a mission sending church and, even though it has been hindered some by attitudes of complacency about poor churches doing mission outreach, it still has a strong mission motivation.